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Autism, Behavior, Evaluation, Inclusion, Transition

Texas Autism Conference

The Texas Autism Conference is an annual event sponsored by the Texas Education Agency. The conference's goal is to promote increased awareness and understanding of evidence-based practices, interventions, standards, and services in the area of autism.
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Autism Circuit Academy

The Autism Circuit Academy programs are designed for educators committed to developing effective educational programming for all students with autism.


Autism Mentoring Guides

For mentors, finding or creating appropriate training for LEA staff being mentored can be time-consuming. We created the Autism Mentoring guides to accelerate this process and help you pinpoint the specific training the LEA staff may need.
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Autism Assessment Toolkit

This course is designed to help evaluation teams conduct best practices in autism assessment, including legal requirements, formal assessment, and more.
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ARD/IEP Supports, Significant Cognitive Disabilities, Autism, Behavior, Evaluation

Data Collection: Trial by Trial Recording

Trial-by-trial data collection is used often for academic tasks. Record data for each opportunity, or trial, the student is given. The data may be reported in trials or in percentages, depending on how the goal is written.
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ARD/IEP Supports, Behavior, Significant Cognitive Disabilities, Autism, Evaluation

Data Collection: Interval Recording

Interval recording involves observing whether a behavior occurs or does not occur during specified time periods and is useful for high-rate behaviors that are difficult to count and/or do not have a clear beginning or end.
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ARD/IEP Supports, Behavior, Significant Cognitive Disabilities, Autism, Evaluation

Data Collection: Frequency Recording

This data collection form is intended for use by teachers, paraprofessionals, and other service providers collecting data for student Individualized Education Program (IEP) goals and baseline data to determine a need for new/updated IEP goals or behavior intervention. Frequency recording is a way to
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ARD/IEP Supports, Behavior, Significant Cognitive Disabilities, Autism, Evaluation

Data Collection: Duration Recording

Duration recording documents how long a student engages in a specified behavior. This type of data collection is appropriate for behaviors that have a distinct beginning and ending.
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ARD/IEP Supports, Behavior, Significant Cognitive Disabilities, Autism, Evaluation

Data Collection: A-B-C Recording

Antecedent-Behavior-Consequence (A-B-C) data collection serves to identify the antecedents (A) that set the stage for or trigger problem behavior (B) to occur and the consequences (C) that appear to maintain that behavior. Typically, this data is collected over multiple sessions and is used to identify patterns and functions of behavior.
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