Key Chain Rules

Collection of short visual rules of appropriate behaviors for a student with self-management skills.
When to use:
- Use visual supports to replace verbal directions or prompts (or make them more effective). Use with a student who demonstrates the ability to self-manage.
How to use:
- Identify frequently used self-management skills the student has mastered and which need to be maintained and/or generalized.
- On card stock create a visual and general rule (ex. I will have a calm body.) with no more than two supporting detail statements (ex. Keep hands and feet to myself. Remain seated at my desk.).
- Student carries the rules on a ring or in a binder for quick reference.
- Initially, student reviews key chain rules regularly throughout the day. The eventual goal is for students to use on an as-needed basis.
- Incorporating the student’s topic of interest may increase their motivation to follow the rule.
- The student should review and even practice the rules with an adult occasionally to ensure continued understanding.
- Social narratives used in the teaching phase may be turned into key chain rules as mastery is achieved.
- For a student who has not mastered self-management skills, an adult may carry a set of key chain rules. Staff members use them as directions or prompts (or to make them more effective). Staff members may use the rules to quickly redirect behavior.