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Universal Design for Learning

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and learners with severe support needs

This article presents the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework as one way to understand how to support learners with severe disabilities and how to support their access to authentic and appropriate curricula that improves their quality of life. Two key ideas from the UDL framework, (a) understanding learner variability and (b) supporting the expert learner, are reviewed and used to address the education of learners with severe disabilities. By using the UDL framework to better understand how to support this population, teachers can reform curricula in ways that will create greater and more inclusive options for all students. The article shows how UDL can be used to support reform for this population and how this will improve education for all learners.

Hartmann, E. “Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and learners with severe support needs.” International Journal of Whole Schooling 11, no. 1 (2015): 54-67.

Call to Action for the Texas Educator

To learn more about using UDL to support students with complex access needs, participate in the TX CAN course Universal Design for Learning from the Putting Inclusion into Practice for Students with Complex Needs series.