- Universal Core vocabulary and communication instruction during the naturally occurring academic and daily routines of the school dayType: Resource External
- Tips on creating communication boards and instructional materials for students who need or already use core vocabularyType: Resource External
- This video shows the importance of teaching core vocabulary to individuals with disabilities.Type: Resource External
- Learn how exercise, a strategy that involves an increase in physical exertion, can be a means of reducing problem behaviors or increasing appropriate behavior while increasing physical fitness and motors skills. Participants will be able to: define exercise identify skills to be taught using exercise identify the steps for implementing exercise locate resourcesType: Learning Opportunity
- Discover how Functional Communication Training is a systematic practice to replace inappropriate behavior or subtle communicative acts with more appropriate and effective communicative behaviors or skills. First the interfering behavior is analyzed to determine its communicative function through functional behavioral assessment, and then a replacement behavior is taught to take its place.…Type: Learning Opportunity
- Discrete trial training (DTT) is a one-to-one instructional approach used to teach skills in a planned, controlled, and systematic manner. DTT is used when a learner needs to learn a skill best taught in small repeated steps. Each trial or teaching opportunity has a definite beginning and end, thus the descriptor discrete trial. Within DTT, the use of antecedents and consequences is carefully…Type: Learning Opportunity
- Time delay is a practice that focuses on fading the use of prompts during instructional activities. This practice is always used in conjunction with prompting procedures, such as least-to-most prompting, simultaneous prompting, and graduated guidance. With this procedure, a brief delay is provided between the initial instruction and any additional instructions or prompts. The evidence-based…Type: Learning Opportunity
- Response interruption/redirection (RIR) is an evidence-based practice used to decrease interfering behaviors, predominantly those that are repetitive, stereotypical, and/or selfinjurious. RIR often is implemented after a functional behavior assessment (FBA) has been conducted to identify the function of the interfering behavior. RIR is particularly useful with persistent interfering behaviors…Type: Learning Opportunity
- In this video, Ayo Jones discusses how to create independent work systems when on a tight budget. This video aligns with the Rubric of Effective Practices from TX CAN Indicator III: Classroom Climate.Type: Resource General
- Functional behavior assessment (FBA) is a systematic set of strategies that is used to determine the underlying function or purpose of a behavior, so that an effective intervention plan can be developed. FBA consists of describing the interfering or problem behavior, identifying antecedent or consequent events that control the behavior, developing a hypothesis of the behavior, and testing the…Type: Learning Opportunity