- This collection includes resources related to the State Performance Plan Indicator (SPPI) 14 survey.Type: Resource Series
- To collect data related to post-school outcomes required for State Performance Plan Indicator (SPPI) 14, a survey is conducted one year after the exited students left public school. Local education agencies (LEAs) may print copies of this bookmark to share information about the survey with students and their parents/guardians before they exit public school.Type: Resource General
- When to use: , To determine a functionally equivalent replacement behavior. Functional Behavior Assessment and Behavior Intervention Plan development., How to use: , Identify the target behavior (red path on template): Identify the immediate antecedent for the target behavior (red path) Identify the immediate consequence of the target behavior (red path) Identify the hypothesized function of the target behavior (red path) Identify any setting event relevant to the occurrence of the target behavior Identify the desired behavior (blue path on template) …, Tips: , When a replacement behavior provides the same function, is as efficient as the target behavior, and is reinforced, the likelihood of that person using the replacement behavior increases. If a student has more than one target behavior, complete a Competing Pathways for each. Planning can still occur if you do not know the setting events. A desired behavior may produce the same hypothesized…Type: Resource General
- Facilitates family/teacher communication., When to use: , When your student can not reliably communicate the events of their day. Regular use with students can increase family/teacher communication, as well as strengthen intervention support in both school and home settings. Family can learn about the successes and needs of their child in school. Teachers can be made aware of important factors in a student’s life, such as health concerns, sleeping and…, How to use: , Identify the information that is valuable for you and your student’s family to share. Create a double-sided or divided form to separate the outgoing teacher notes from the incoming family notes. Possible teacher to family topics include: Today’s activities/schedule Upcoming events/needed items General notes, especially celebrations or successes Possible family to teacher topics include: …, Tips: , Communication forms could be filled out daily or weekly. The more often they are used; however, the more information can be shared. Daily use can help identify events or circumstances in a student’s life that will affect their performance that day. Modify the form to each individual student’s needs. , Variations: , This form can be shared digitally if both teacher and family are more likely to participate and it complies with district policies.Type: Resource General