Technical Assistance: Individualized Education Program Development

This resource is currently being updated to align with the revision of new rules and statutes adopted in the 24-25 school year. Thank you for your patience. Please review the most recent rule changes at the TEA Proposed Commissioner of Education Rules or the TEA Back to School Updates for Special Educators, Administrators, and Other Professionals for more information.
Before digging into the details of Individualized Education Program (IEP) development, take a minute to set your mind toward high expectations and rigorous goals for students with disabilities. Without this mindset, the IEP will fall short, and our students will not achieve all that they are capable of. TEA believes that there is shared responsibility across the state to ensure that all students, including students with disabilities, are held to rigorous academic standards and high expectations. The IEP must be individualized, based on the unique needs of that child, and designed to enable him or her to work towards grade-level content standards and achieve challenging goals. Proper provision of a free appropriate public education (FAPE) means that all students have access to the supports and services that will prepare them for success in college, careers, and independence. We encourage you to ensure that the IEP provides all students with the opportunity to meet challenging goals and achieve their full potential.