Texas Dyslexia Academies Online (Asynchronous) Courses

Dyslexia and Other Related Disorders

1 Courses
6 Credits
2 Courses
12 Credits
3 Courses
18 Credits
4 Courses
24 Credits
no badge

The Texas Dyslexia Academies (TDA) Online Courses collection is for audiences interested in taking the TDA courses online through the TEALearn platform.

The information presented in TDA 1 discusses the elements of reading and what is dyslexia. TDA 2 focuses on the information contained in The Dyslexia Handbook. TDA 3 discusses additional considerations when thinking about dyslexia and emergent bilingual students. TDA 4 guides participants through the Child Find and ARD committee process for the identification of dyslexia under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). TDA 5 focuses on the screening process and TDA 6 focuses on dysgraphia identification and instruction."